(For more information on this substack and the band - Not Fit For Purpose - the What/Why/Who/When/Where/How - check out my about page. To listen to the track on Bandcamp, click on the album artwork.)
A brief reminder…
Not Fit For Purpose is an investigational music therapy to counter a soft totavirus, engineered using feign-of-gumption research in oligopolabs over many decades. The aim of the therapy is to achieve heard impunity by charting viral tracks on both sides of the Atlantic.
Now imagine (for a moment) what the world would look like, had governments told us the truth about COVID from the beginning.
There are a couple of short video tasters of the single on the band’s website (see: https://notfitforpurpose.net).
First wave
In the FIRST wave of COVID my government said to me:
“The CCP released a bio-weapon.”
Well, we know that in China, the Party is the State. So, it is reasonable to assume that the CCP released the virus. It isn’t clear whether it was an accidental release or an intentional one. This report from the House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff notes the PLA involvement - “sending an expert in biology and chemical weapon defenses” (a PLA Major General) to take control of the BSL4 lab in Wuhan in January 2020.
A September 2020 article in Nature highlights the PLA’s growing role in medical research. Well, that was from the perspective of the race to produce a coronavirus vaccine. But one state’s medical research is another state’s bio-warfare programme. How do you tell the difference?
Second wave
In the SECOND wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It was during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
An opinion piece in the Washington Post highlights the aforementioned House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff report, and notes that:
“Dozens of athletes from several countries who attended the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan in late October reported they came down with covid-like illnesses either while they were in Wuhan or shortly after returning home.”
Odd that. Perhaps the first “super-spreader” event of the COVID era, and before that era had officially begun?
Third wave
In the THIRD wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It was from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
Of course, there’s plenty of material out there for the discussion about the Wuhan lab - claims, denials, etc. For now, let’s stick with the fact that the lab’s databases were taken off-line on the 12th September 2019. Curious? There’s a timeline in this preprint along with plenty of details about the databases.
Fourth wave
In the FOURTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It was gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
There’s a fascinating article by Nicholas Wade in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists covering the gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The researchers were working in the minimal safety conditions of a BSL2 laboratory (the biosafety level of a standard US dentist’s office). What could possibly go wrong?
Fifth wave
In the FIFTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It was funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
Who funded whom? Well, EcoHealth Alliance has received $162m from US federal government and Pentagon funding combined, according to this article. That some of this funding was sub-contracted to the Wuhan Institute of Virology is discussed in this piece which also charts France’s involvement with the lab, including providing its design, biosafety training and much of its technology.
Sixth wave
In the SIXTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It’s genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
In the aforementioned House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff report there’s a whole section entitled Evidence of Genetic Modification, with a quote from Ralph Baric that
“You can engineer a virus without leaving any trace.”
This refers to a method he assisted in creating, and then he subsequently collaborated with the team in Wuhan. There are plenty of papers cited as evidence in that report.
Seventh wave
In the SEVENTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It’s an engineered virus,
by genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
Even MPs in the UK now know that there’s “a risk that COVID-19 was an engineered virus” according to a report in the Telegraph.
Eighth wave
In the EIGHTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“The spike protein’s the toxin,
in an engineered virus,
by genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
An editorial in the Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents highlights papers reporting the behaviour of the spike protein itself in damaging endothelial cells and disrupting the blood-brain barrier. Here the focus is on COVID itself.
Elsewhere, pathologists such as Dr Ryan Cole have reported their assessment that the spike protein is the toxin, based on lab tests pre- and post-vaccine.
Ninth wave
In the NINTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“It causes vascular damage,
cos the spike protein’s the toxin,
in an engineered virus,
by genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
That COVID causes vascular damage is confirmed in a Salk Institute news release. Salk researchers and collaborators show that the spike protein plays a key role in illness, damaging cells - confirming that COVID is primarily a vascular disease, rather than a respiratory one.
Tenth wave
In the TENTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“There’s cheap generic treatment,
for the vascular damage,
cos the spike protein’s the toxin,
in an engineered virus,
by genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
The information war over ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is by now well known, and there’s plenty of material out there. Check out Steve Kirsch’s recent post
in the section on early treatments, including fluvoxamine, ivermectin, vitamin D, etc. You can also find excellent material about early treatments with cheap generics at America's Frontline Doctors.
Eleventh wave
In the ELEVENTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“There’s no need for a vaccine
when there’s cheap generic treatment,
for the vascular damage,
cos the spike protein’s the toxin,
in an engineered virus,
by genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
No need for a vaccine? Well what about prophylactic use of ivermectin? Here’s a great one page summary of the clinical trials evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19, including prophylaxis, published by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
Twelfth wave
In the TWELFTH wave of COVID my government said to me:
“We completely messed up -
there’s no need for a vaccine
when there’s cheap generic treatment,
for the vascular damage,
cos the spike protein’s the toxin,
in an engineered virus,
by genetic manipulation,
funded by the United States of America
(with lab technology from France).
Gain-of-function research,
from the lab in Wuhan,
during the Military games,
when the CCP released a bio-weapon.”
Well, here I have to confess that I don’t have any references to offer citing any government with the guts to admit it has completely messed up its handling of the “pandemic”.
As for the intro and outro lyrics
Who said gain-of-function is a risk worth taking?
Pretending it’s from nature not a lab, news faking?
Abusing patent law, commercial profit making?
Time for the roosters to come home.
check out the band's website in the Background section for answers to these questions. You’ll also find there links to the single on eleven digital stores.
So, gain-of-function research - is it US funded WMD?
Answers on a postcard.